Martyna Poznańska is an interdisciplinary artist who works with different media
across genres. This includes the practice of active listening and field recording in tangent to working with various visual tools such as video, installation, her own body, and drawing, as well as listening workshops and soundwalks. Responding to the climate crises related issues, she has been exploring the symbiotic relations between human and non-human beings, the endless entanglements between us and how to acknowledge their intrinsic character.
Most important shows include:
2022 A:rrival D:eparture at the gallery A:D:Curatorial, Berlin (DE), joint exhibition with the artist Viktor Popović.
2019 It’s Certain Because it’s Impossible – Angry Earth. Solo show at the gallery Allgemeine Konsumverein, Braunschweig (DE).
2018 Save As… – Solo show at the gallery Aperto Raum Berlin (DE)
Selected Group Shows/Festivals
Sonic Garden at Onassis-Stegi Foundation, Athens (GR), Akademie der Künste, Berlin (DE), Savvy Contemporary, Berlin (DE), Starak Foundation (PL). In addition, she has worked with renowned artists such as Hans Peter Kuhn (ÜBERGANG, Martin-Gropius- Bau Museum, Berlin, 2017), and Peter Cusack (There Will Be No Other Forest).
In 2013 sm was a recipient of a grant from the Polish Ministry of Culture, and in 2018, as well as 2021 she was awarded a scholarship from the Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. Martyna completed a master’s degree in Spanish Philology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, 2010. She studied Sound Art at the University of the Arts, London (LCC/UAL). In 2016 she obtained an MA in Sound Studies at the Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK). Martyna currently lives and works in Berlin and Białystok.